Sunday, January 25, 2009

wWeek of January 26th - January 30th

This week students will work on identifying and reading sight words. They will list rhyming words; creating words that are in the following families: -ad, -ab, -am, -and, & -ast. They will be exposed to short -a words. Students will also listen and say individual sounds while sliding chips into Elkonin boxes. They will also have fun repeating words using a roller coaster action with their hands. This will help with becoming aware of vowel sounds in the middle of words.

First Grade
Students will identify sight words. They will segment and blend sounds as well as add and delete sounds in words. They will read words containing short and long vowels. They will also write and read long -o words.

Second Grade
Students will write in their journals and will edit their work focusing on proper writing conventions. They will create words containing digraphs: sh, th, wh, ch, & ck. Students will continue to work with prefixes and suffixes and learn how to break words apart by syllables to become fluent readers.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Week of January 20th - January 23rd

The data from mid-year benchmarking has been analyzed and has been used to determine the best reading placements for individual students. This week, I will incorporate some community building activities to help some of the new reading groups feel comfortable working together. We will continue to manipulate words by segmenting, adding, and deleting sounds. We will enjoy shared reading and guided reading, while focusing on fluency and comprehension. As there never seems to be enough time in a day to practice essential skills, I have listed some strategies that can be incorporated at home to help your child become a successful reader.

Reading Tips for K-2 Parents
· Talk with your child. This helps develop language patterns and helps your child become comfortable with words.
· Encourage your child to tell you about something that happened. Talking helps your child connect words to experiences.
· Use magnetic letters and alphabet books to help teach the ABCs and how to spell your child’s name.
· Read to your child for 10-20 minutes a day. Stop when your child loses interest.
· When you read, read slowly and follow the words with your finger, left to right.
· Read with expression to help make the story come alive.
· Let your child say words or phrases from the story that repeat.
· Pretend to read by looking at the pictures and saying parts of the story from memory.
· Have your child try to guess what will happen next.
· Ask why a character may have done something in the story.
· Limit T.V. time and set aside time just for reading.
· Read on your own. By watching you read, your child will see that reading is a great way to gather information and that it's fun!

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Week of January 12th - January 16th

This week I will continue to work on the benchmark data and create new goals for students in the RTI program. I am also very excited to continue working with the first and second grade students this week in a small group setting. I will implement a phonemic awareness program, as well as reinforce concepts beinng learned within student's classrooms.

First Grade
Students will learn how to spell and read words with long a; they will become "detectives" to find words with vce (vowel consonant vowel) patterns and realize that that the "magic e" creates the vowel to say its name. Students will also practice identifying and reading words with digraphs- ch, wh, th, and sh. They will segment words into individual sounds and will add rimes to beginning sounds to form new words.

Second Grade
Students will review digraphs th, wh, sh, and ch. They will learn how to spell and read words with vowel pairs ai, ay, ow, ou, ee, and ea. Students will blend individual sounds together to form words. They will have fun with words by realizing that numerous words can be made by changing either the beginning, middle or ending sounds. They will also have opportunities to practice their writing skills through journal writing.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Week of January 5th - January 9th

This week, I will be administering the Aims Web winter benchmark test to all students in grades K-2. This test will be one component used to assess academic progress. This test is part of the state mandated RTI program. The benchmark test is conducted three times a year-September, January, and May.