Sunday, November 27, 2011

Week of November 28th - December 2nd

Students will continue to identify letters and recognize the sounds they make. They will also practice reading their popcorn words.

1st Grade Push-In
Beginning this week, I will no longer be reading with Mrs. Hull's & Miss. Tracy's entire class. Instead, I will have the opportunity to engage three groups in guided reading every day. Two of the groups will be from Mrs. Hull's room and one group will be from Miss Tracy's room. I will read with each group for 15 minutes Monday-Thursday.

2nd Grade Wilson
We will be continuing Unit 5 this week. This unit focuses on multi-syllabic words. Students will learn how to sound out words by its parts. They will also learn two new vowel teams and several more suffixes.

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Week of November 14th - 18th

Students have been working very hard and I am proud to see their progress with recognizing letters and identifying their sounds. I will continue to reinforce and reteach using Jolly Phonics.

1st Grade
Students will continue to read books focusing on finger-pointing. They are expected to recognize high frequency words taught so far. They are also learning how to use beginning letters and pictures to read unknown words. Students will use sound boxes this week to learn how to hear beginning, middle and ending sounds in words. They will also be writing more this week. I will reinforce that they are to write the sounds they hear. They will not be expected to spell the word correctly. Instead they are expected to use the strategies learned thus far to stretch out the word and listen carefully to the individual sounds. This should be reinforced in homework as well. Please refrain from helping your child spell words correctly. Instead, provide them with encouragement and praise in the process of writing on their own. Thank you for reading and working with your child every day.

2nd Grade
Students will complete Unit 4 this week. Students will learn two sounds for suffix -ed and will practice using all suffixes learned thus far: -s, -es, -est, -er, -ing. They will also learn 4 new vowel teams: -ou, -oo, -ue, ew. The trick words this week are -here, -use & -used. Students will continue reading Wish Come True while focusing on fluency, visualizing & retelling.