Saturday, October 18, 2008

Week of October 20th-October 24th

Students will continue to be engaged in activities that promote phonemic awareness. Students will work with the alphabet to become efficient in identifying letter names and sounds. They will separate words by syllables and identify rhyming words within a word set (hat, bat, ball). They will also continue to identify beginning and ending sounds in words.

First Grade
Students will be engaged in activities that promote phonemic awareness as well as word sorts to help discriminate spelling patterns within words. They will also complete activities that will teach and review short vowels.

Second Grade
Students will begin journaling this week to work on expressing their thoughts through written words. They will also complete word sorts to learn vowel patterns within words as well as be engaged in activities that promote phonemic awareness.

Game Night, Anyone?
Looking for something fun to do with your child? Scrabble Jr. is a great way to bring awareness to vowel patterns as they have fun creating words and adjusting just when someone uses the letter on the board that they were planning on using! This can not only help with reading, but writing, as well. Here are a few tips:
1. When playing, remind the child to sort their letters into two piles - vowels and consonants (anything that's not a vowel).
2. Encourage them to make longer words so that there are more options to play words.
3. You probably don't want to keep score so that they focus more on the vowel patterns instead of the value of specific letters. An alternative might be to give one point for each letter played. The Jr. Scrabble version does not have any points on the tiles.
4. Refer back to the list of possible vowel combinations (see word file below).
5. Have fun!