Saturday, December 13, 2008

Week of December 15th - December 19th

This week students will work on rhyming, and identifying beginning, medial and ending sounds. They will also continue to work on language awareness through repeating and segmenting sentences. They will continue to notice language patterns through poetry and nursery rhymes.

First Grade
Students will continue to "give me 5" rhyming words following specific word family patterns. They will blend individual sounds together to form words and they will continue to work on identifying middle vowel sounds. Many students need extra practice distinguishing short vowel sounds in words, specifically determining the difference between /e/ and /a/. They will participate in a read-aloud on Thursday and they will reflect on the story in their journals.

Second Grade
Students will be staying in their classrooms this week, learning about Holidays Around the World. I am happy to share in this experience with Ms. Oliver's class. I will also be accompanying Ms. Beseth's class on Thursday while the students share their holiday spirits through caroling.